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[공부] 링글3일차

by DEPE_Ordinary 2024. 1. 25.

Start-ups vs. Corporations

스타트업 vs 대기업


When it comes to classifying workplace envrionments, you might broadly separate them into two major categories : start-ups and corporations. 

classify : group somthing. putting them in different groups.put things in different groups based on their characteristics. (단순히 나누는게 아니라 그룹핑에 초점을 둔 context 이기 때문에 separate는 첫번째 문장에서 쓰지 않는 걸 권장)


when it comes to starting or resuming a career search, it can be helpful to familiarize yourself with the differences in culture, environment, and structure of start-ups and larger corporatiosn.

familiarize yourself : to make something known to you 알게하라~ 뭐 이런.. 
 윗문장 해석 :  스타트업과 대기업의 구조에 대해 인지시키는게 구직에 도움이 될 거다
 다른 예시 : it can be helpful to get to know the differences ,,,
 응용 : I try to familiarize myself with this situation.

resume : 멈췄다가 다시 시작하는 것. 
 응용 : I just resume the movie. (영화 잠깐 멈췄다가 다시 보는 상황)


The best one for any individual ultimately will come down to personal preference. 

come down to : depend on


While upbeat and fast-paced can sometimes be synonymous with individuals having more of an impact, it can also come at the cost of a larger burden of responsibilities. 

...문법이 어렵넹 the grammar used here is a bit tricky

= While upbeat and fast-paced can sometime be similar to individualst having of an impact, the consequence can be a larger burden of resposibilities.
be synonymous with = be associated with = be simmilar to
comes at the cost of : pre-made phrase..but not a common phrase. but it is helpful for me to expand my english and to involve English conversation....


COrporations, by comparision, are well established, and as such, have movre structure and larger teams. As a result, emplyees are able to focus on a more narrow scope of work. 좁고 깊게!

Coporate culutre also entails established processes, which are in themselves a double edged sword.

entail : include, involve ..
a double edged sword : something has good and bad consequences. something that has positive and negative sides. 


At times, established processes may feel more like slowing down progress. However, the well-established processes that exist are often a result of trial and error and increase safety and decrease chaos.


As formerly mentioned, the right kind of culture fo you comes down to your own personality.


Ultimately, it's worth remembering that work culture is often what one(you) makes of it.

 make of  >> what do you make of it?  로 보통 쓰임. 어떻게 생각해? 어떻게 이해해? what you make of it. 니가 그것을 이해하는것.
문장 해석 : 직장 환경은 너가 이해하는 거다. 니 생각대로다. 
= it's worth remembering that work culture is what one understands. 